English | French | |
A savoury, open tart made with cheese and butter | Tarte al djote | |
A soft white cheese like a thick yogurt | Fromage blanc | |
A thick piece of prime grilled steak | Steak pavé | |
A thin layer of pastry | Abaisse | |
a type of chicken, and not cukoo | Coucou de Malines | |
Aluminum foil | Papier aluminium | |
Baker's or confectioner's cream | Crème pâtissière | |
Baker's yeast | Levure de boulanger | |
Baking paper | Papier cuisson | |
Baking powder | Levure chimique | |
Baking soda | Bicarbonate de sodium | |
Barley | Ogre | |
Beef ribsteak; cut from the front ribs and wing-end ribs | Steak entrecôte | |
Beef stew | Daube | |
Bitter | Amer | |
Bitter or tart to the taste | Acerbe | |
Boiling | ébullition | |
Bone marrow | Moelle | |
Bran bread | Pain de son | |
Breadcrumbs | Chapelure | |
Broad beans | Fève | |
Buckwheat | Blé noir; sarrasin | |
Buckwheat bread | Pain de sarrasin | |
Buckwheat flour | Farine de sarrasin | |
Buttermilk | Babeurre | |
Capon | Chapon: a young castrated and fattened rooster | |
Cheeks | Joues | |
Chop | Côtelette | |
Chunks | En dés | |
Cockerel | Coq | |
Colander | Passoire | |
Cooked medium | à point: for reference, from least cooked to most cooked its: bleu, saignant, à point, bien cuit | |
Cooked rare | Saignant | |
Cooked very rare | Bleu | |
Cooked well done | Bien cuit | |
Corn bread | Pain de mais | |
Country bread | Pain de campagne | |
Covered pie | Tourte | |
Airelle rouge | |
Crawfish, crayfish, Dublin Bay prawn, scampi | Langouste, écrevisse | |
Cream, full-fat | Crème fraîche | |
Crushed | écrasé | |
Crust rubbed with garlic | ||
Cuttle-fish | Seiche | |
Deer, venison (female) | Biche | |
Deer, venison (male) | Cerf | |
Diced vegetables | Macédoine | |
Dogfish | Emissole | |
Dorado | Daurade royale | |
Doughnut | Beignet | |
Drain | égoutter | |
Dribbling, runny | Baveux | |
Drumstick | Pilon | |
Eel | Anguille | |
Filet mignon (the small choice end of tenderloin) | Steak filet mignon | |
Filled or stuffed; creamed | Fourré | |
Fish scale | écaille | |
Flat muscle just in front of the filet | Onglet | |
Flavoured with garlic | Aillé | |
Fowl/poultry | Volaille | |
French toast | Pain perdu | |
Fresh codfish | Cabillaud | |
Full to the brim | Rasade | |
Game | Gibier | |
Giblets | Abattis | |
Grey mullet | Mulet | |
Ground | Moulé | |
Grouper | Mérou | |
Guinea fowl (young) | Pintadeau | |
Guinea hen | Pintade | |
Haddock | Aiglefin | |
Jar | Bocal | |
Kneading | Pétrissage | |
Knuckle of ham | Jambonneau | |
Leg of lamb | Gigot | |
Light cream | Crème maigre | |
Marbled | Marbré: for cheese this is called persillée) | |
Melted | Fondu | |
Mild | Doux | |
Minced meat | Haché | |
Minute steak; the top or skirt of beef | Steak bavette | |
Monkfish | Lotte de mer; also called baudroie | |
Mortar, as in pestle and mortar | Mortier | |
Oats | Avoine | |
Offal (other than poultry giblets) | Abats | |
Old, aged | Vieux | |
Open pie | Tarte | |
Parboil | Faire cuire a demi | |
Pestle (as in a pestle and mortar) | Pilon | |
Porridge, oatmeal | Gruau d'avoine | |
Pumpkin | Citrouille | |
Pumpkin | Potiron | |
Quince | Coing | |
Ray, skate | Raie | |
Red currant | Groseille | |
Red mullet | Rouget | |
Red tuna | Thon rouge | |
Ribs or chops | Côtes | |
Ribsteak | Steak entrecôte | |
Rind | Ecorce | |
Rind, skin | Counne | |
Roast | Rôti | |
Rock salt | Gros sel | |
Rolled | Roulé | |
Rolled oats | Flocon d'avoine | |
Rump, thick flank, topside | Rumpsteck | |
Rye bread | Pain de seigle | |
Saddle | Selle | |
Salt cod | Morue | |
Sandwich bread | Pain de mie | |
Savory (the herb) | Sarriette | |
Scallop | Noix de coquilles Saint-Jacques | |
Sea bass | Loup | |
Sea bream | Dorade | |
Shank or shin | Jarret | |
Shoulder, includes the blade bone and spare ribs | Echine | |
Shrimp | Crevette | |
Sieve | Tamis | |
Sirloin steak | Steak faux-filet | |
Skate, ray | Raie | |
Snipe | Becassine | |
Sour | Aigre | |
Sour cream | Crème aigre | |
Spicy | Relevé | |
Squid | Calmar | |
Steam | Vapeur | |
Stew | Ragoût | |
Stuffed or filled; creamed | Fourré | |
Sweet-and-sour | Aigre-doux | |
Sweetbread | Ris de veau | |
Tenderloin steak | Steak filet | |
Tenderloin steak, on the continent, this is the hind loin area. The English filet is the 'jambon'. Confused? Yes… | Steak filet | |
The criss-cross topping on a tart (with strips of pastry) | Quadrillage | |
Thick cream | Crème èpaisse | |
Thin, round slice (such as thin slices of cucumber) | Rondelle | |
Thinly-sliced vegetables | Julienne | |
To brown | à revenir | |
To brown, singe | à roussir | |
To chop | à détailler | |
To cook [onions] until they are transparent, not quite brown | Blondir | |
To cool or chill | à réfroidir | |
To crumble | à émietter | |
To crush | à écraser | |
To cut up into lengths | à tronçonner | |
To foam or froth | à écumer | |
To grind or crush | à piler | |
To hang (as in meat) | à faisander | |
To hull | à équeuter | |
To knead | à malaxer, pétrir | |
To leaven bread | à levain | |
To melt | à fondre | |
To mince or finely chop | à émincer | |
To peel | à éplucher, à peler | |
To press | à fouler | |
To put into the oven | à enfourner | |
To remove the seeds | à épépiner | |
To roll flat | à étendre au rouleau | |
To scald | à échauder | |
To sear | à saisir | |
To shell | à écailler | |
To simmer; cook slowly | à mitonner, à mijoter | |
To soften | à ramollir | |
To spread | à étaler | |
To stir slowly | à remuer | |
To string (beans) | à éffiler | |
To thin (a sauce) | à délayer | |
To turn sour | à aigrir | |
Tuna | Thon | |
Turbot | Turbot | |
Turnip | Navet | |
Warmed or reheated | Réchauffé | |
Wheat | Blé | |
Wheatgerm | Germe de blé | |
Whipped cream | Crème chantilly | |
White beans | Haricot blanc | |
White meat from the testicle | Rognon blanc | |
Whiting | Merlan | |
Whole wheat bread | Pain complet | |
With crackling | Avec la couenne | |
Woodcock | Bécasse | |
Yeast | Levure | |
Young chicken | Poulette | |
Young, suckling goat (kid) | Chevreau de lait | |
French | English | |
à aigrir | To turn sour | |
à délayer | To thin (a sauce) | |
à détailler | To chop | |
à écailler | To shell | |
à échauder | To scald | |
à écraser | To crush | |
à écumer | To foam, to froth | |
à éffiler | To string (beans) | |
à émietter | To crumble | |
à émincer | To mince or finely chop | |
à enfourner | To put into the oven | |
à épépiner | To remove the seeds | |
à éplucher | To peel | |
à équeuter | To hull | |
à étaler | To spread | |
à étendre au rouleau | To roll flat | |
à faisander | To hang (as in meat) | |
à fondre | To melt | |
à fouler | To press | |
à levain | To leaven bread | |
à malaxer, pétrir | To knead | |
à mijoter, à mitonner | To simmer; cook slowly | |
à mitonner, à mijoter | To simmer; cook slowly | |
à peler, à éplucher | To peel | |
à piler | To grind or crush | |
à point: for reference, from least cooked to most cooked its: bleu, saignant, à point, bien cuit | Cooked medium | |
à ramollir | To soften | |
à réfroidir | To cool or chill | |
à remuer | To stir slowly | |
à revenir | To brown | |
à roussir | To brown, singe | |
à saisir | To sear | |
à tronçonner | To cut up into lengths | |
Abaisse | A thin layer of pastry | |
Abats | Offal (other than poultry giblets) | |
Abattis | Giblets | |
Acerbe | Bitter or tart to the taste | |
Aiglefin | Haddock | |
Aigre | Sour | |
Aigre-doux | Sweet-and-sour | |
Aillé | Flavoured with garlic | |
Airelle rouge | Cranberry | |
Amer | Bitter | |
Amertume | Bitterness | |
Anguille | Eel | |
Avec la couenne | With crackling | |
Avoine | Oats | |
Babeurre | Buttermilk | |
Baveux | Dribbling, runny | |
Bécasse | Woodcock | |
Becassine | Snipe | |
Beignet | Doughnut | |
Bicarbonate de sodium | Baking soda | |
Biche | Deer, venison (female) | |
Bien cuit | Cooked well done | |
Blé | Wheat | |
Blé noir | Buckwheat | |
Blé noir; sarrasin | Buckwheat | |
Bleu | Cooked very rare | |
Blondir | To cook [onions] until they are transparent, not quite browning | |
Bocal | Jar | |
Broyé | Cushed, ground, pounded | |
Cabillaud | Fresh codfish | |
Calmar | Squid | |
Cerf | Deer, venison (male) | |
Chapelure | Breadcrumbs | |
Chapon | Capon: a young castrated and fattened rooster | |
Chevreau de lait | Young, suckling goat (kid) | |
Citrouille | Pumpkin | |
Coing | Quince | |
Coq | Cockerel | |
Côtelette | Chop | |
Côtes | Ribs or chops | |
Coucou de Malines | a type of chicken, and not cukoo | |
Counne | Rind, skin | |
Crème aigre | Sour cream | |
Crème chantilly | Whipped cream | |
Crème èpaisse | Thick cream | |
Crème fraîche | Cream, full-fat | |
Crème maigre | Light cream | |
Crème pâtissière | Baker's or confectioner's cream | |
Crevette | Shrimp | |
Daube | Beef stew | |
Daurade royale | Dorado | |
Dorade | Sea bream | |
Doux | Mild | |
ébullition | Boiling | |
écaille | Fish scale | |
Echine | Shoulder, includes the blade bone and spare ribs | |
Ecorce | Rind | |
écrevisse | Crayfish, crawfish | |
égoutter | Drain | |
Emissole | Dogfish | |
En dés | Chunks | |
Faire cuire a demi | Parboil | |
Farine de sarrasin | Buckwheat flour | |
Fève | Broad beans | |
Flocon d'avoine | Rolled oats | |
Fondu | Melted | |
Fourré | Filled or stuffed; creamed | |
Fromage blanc | A soft white cheese like a thick yogurt | |
Germe de blé | Wheatgerm | |
Gibier | Game | |
Gigot | leg of lamb | |
Gros sel | Rock salt | |
Groseille | Red currant | |
Gruau d'avoine | Porridge, oatmeal | |
Haché | Minced meat | |
Haricot | Bean | |
Haricot blanc | White beans | |
Haricot rouge | Kidney beans | |
Haricot vert | Green beans | |
Jambonneau | Knuckle of ham | |
Jarret | Shank or shin | |
Joues | Cheeks | |
Julienne | Thinly-sliced vegetables | |
Langouste | Crawfish | |
Langoustine | Dublin Bay prawn; scampi | |
Levure | Yeast | |
Levure chemique | Baking powder | |
Levure de boulanger | Baker's yeast | |
Lotte de mer; also called baudroie | Monkfish | |
Loup | Sea bass | |
Macédoine | Diced vegetables | |
Marbré: for cheese this is called persillée) | Marbled | |
Merlan | Whiting | |
Mérou | Grouper | |
Moelle | Bone marrow | |
Mortier | Mortar, as in pestle and mortar | |
Morue | Salt cod | |
Moulé | Ground | |
Mulet | Grey Mullet | |
Navet | Turnip | |
Noix de coquilles Saint-Jacques | The white flesh of the scallop | |
Oeuf à cheval | Steak or hamburger topped with a fried egg | |
Oeuf à la neige | A dessert of beaten egg whites poached in milk and served in a caramelised valilla custard | |
Ogre | Barley | |
Onglet | Flat muscle just in front of the filet | |
Pain complet | Whole wheat bread | |
Pain de campagne | Country bread | |
Pain de mais | Corn bread | |
Pain de mie | Sandwich bread | |
Pain de sarrasin | Buckwheat bread | |
Pain de seigle | Rye bread | |
Pain de son | Bran bread | |
Pain perdu | French toast | |
Panais | Parsnip | |
Papier aluminium | Aluminum foil | |
Papier cuisson | Baking paper | |
Passoire | Colander | |
Persillée | Marbled or blue-veined (as in cheese) | |
Pétrissage | Kneading | |
Pilon | Drumstick | |
Pilon | Pestle (as in a pestle and mortar) | |
Pintade | Guinea hen | |
Pintadeau | Guinea fowl (young) | |
Pois chiche | Chick pea | |
Potiron | Pumpkin | |
Poulette | Young chicken | |
Quadrillage | The criss-cross topping on a tart (with strips of pastry) | |
Ragoût | Stew | |
Raie | Skate, ray | |
Rasade | Full to the brim | |
Réchauffé | Warmed or reheated | |
Relevé | Spicy | |
Ris de veau | Sweetbread | |
Rognon blanc | White meat from the testicle | |
Rondelle | Thin, round slice (such as thin slices of cucumber) | |
Rôti | Roast | |
Rouget | Red mullet | |
Roulé | Rolled | |
Rumsteck | Rump, thick flank, topside | |
Saignant | Cooked rare | |
Sarrasin | Buckwheat | |
Sarriette | Savory (the herb) | |
Seiche | Cuttle-fish | |
Selle | Saddle | |
Steak bavette | Minute steak; the top or skirt of beef | |
Steak entrecôte | Beef ribsteak; cut from the front ribs and wing-end ribs | |
Steak faux-filet | Sirloin steak, slices from the muscle that lies along the back, above the spine - porterhouse, sirloin | |
Steak filet | Tenderloin steak, on the continent, this is the hind loin area. The English filet is the 'jambon'. Confused? Yes… | |
Steak filet mignon | Filet mignon (the small choice end of tenderloin) | |
Steak pavé | A thick piece of prime grilled steak | |
Steak tartare | Finely ground, raw lean beef mixed with raw egg yolk and garnished with chopped onion, capers and parsley | |
Tamis | Sieve | |
Tarte | Open pie | |
Tête de veau | Rolled veal head, including the tongue | |
Thon | Tuna | |
Thon rouge | Red tuna | |
Tourte | Covered pie | |
Turbot | Turbot | |
Vapeur | Steam | |
Vieux | Old, aged | |
Volaille | Fowl/poultry |
English-French-English food dictionary
Below is a small word list of some food, baking and cooking terms you may find useful. It also contains some words that may help you out in the butchers, especially with what you want to buy and what you may want to avoid.
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