Thursday 27 June 2013

What's on in Brussels...

There are a couple of really nice foodie events happening in Brussels over the next days, weeks and months.

For starters, the first meeting of the Brussels Clandestine Cake Club will take place on Saturday 29 June at a secret location in Brussels. I’m involved in setting up this club of cake devotes, so if you are interested in coming along, email me at or for more information (including the venue! Shhhhh).
You can also look at the website here.

This summer also sees the Brussels edible park at the Mont des Arts where you can look at, pick, taste and share a multitude of fruits, vegetables and herbs. They will also do cooking demonstrations on Thursdays. Find out more.

The Buttles Great Bake challenge will take place between July and September. It is an opportunity for bakers to showcase their baking skills through the monthly themes… and the opportunity for cake lovers to taste & judge which are their favourites! The bake is for charity, with all proceeds going to Buttles, a UK charity that provides essential items to children and young people whose health, safety and well-being are at risk. They provide grants to children and young people living in poverty.
Read more here. 

1 comment:

  1. YEAH! Thanks for the reference to the Buttles Great Bake Challenge happening in Brussels!!
