Tuesday 27 November 2012

Quick dinner of halloumi

As frequently mentioned here, I’m a big fan of halloumi. I can easily devour a whole block single-handedly and in a matter of minutes, and usually straight from the pan.

This time I managed to get it all onto my plate, mainly because I was otherwise occupied, making a dressing for it. A simple but effective plan.

Photos are a bit yellow these days. I'm working on the problem. Stay tuned!
Halloumi with caper and mustard dressing

So, once you’ve found your halloumi (Delhaize’s in Braine l’Alleud and Waterloo as well as some independent corner shops in Brussels stock it), pat it dry and slice into about eight or nine slices. While you’re doing this, heat your frying pan until it’s quite hot (not smoking though). Place your halloumi on it – I find it looses a good bit of water so I leave the first side cooking until the water evaporates and then for one-two minutes. Flip them over and cook for another one or two minutes on the other side, until browned.

While they are cooking, knock up a dressing. I based this on one from Delia Smith with the juice of a lime, some capers, a tablespoon of white wine vinegar, a teaspoon of grainy mustard and some pepper. This dressing was fine, nothing more, I’d eat it but I wouldn’t be running to make it again – maybe it was because I left out the coriander. I prefer my usual way of making halloumi, sprinkling chilli, rosemary, savory (sarriette) and thyme on the upside while the first side is cooking. Yum!

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