Sunday 16 January 2011

Sunday brunch - banana pancakes

These pancakes sometimes appear on the brunch table. The recipe I use is American, adopted for my tastes. I have no idea what size an American cup is. A cup is a cup however, so I use a standard cup from my kitchen cupboard, and it does the trick.
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon white sugar (I use vanilla sugar if I have any)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
3 ripe bananas, mashed

Pop everything into a bowl and mix. It should be quite thick and lumpy. Banana lumpy, lumps of flour are not a good idea! If you are feeling adventurous, add a grating of nutmeg or a flick of cinnamon.
"lumpy" pancake batter

Heat the frying pan and add a touch of your fat-of-choice (butter, vegetable oil - not olive oil). You only need a smidgem. It's perfectly ok to add the fat and then wipe it off. 
Drop small ladles of the pancake batter onto the pan. Keep an eye on them as they cook really quickly. You'll know they are cooked on the first side when bubbles appear on the side you can see. Flip them over and cook for about a minute on the other side. Serve warm either on their own or with jam or Nutella.

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